Speakers Club
Helping Leaders Communicate and Connect More Effectively
Public speaking should be impactful and fun. Not nervewracking. If you feel you don’t present yourself well, take our virtual speaking class and learn how to transform your speaking from average to awesome.
You’ll gain confidence speaking in public and in front of small groups, adding to your professional success. This virtual class will help you learn to present yourself well, cut anxiety, stay on topic and keep the attention of the audience.
This is a great time to begin!
Join our club for training, live speaking
critiques, world-wide competitions and more!
Participating in the Maxwell Speakers Club is the next best thing to being trained by John Maxwell himself.
We will watch and extract lessons from John’s live presentations and speeches. As your facilitator, I will guide you through practical exercises to help you master your communication and become a better speaker. You will experience the same quality instruction used by John and Speaker Trainer, Roddy Galbraith, to train speakers all over the world through the John Maxwell Team.
Rudy Ruiz
Speaker Club Facilitator
What you can expect:
- Support and encouragement.
- Teachings from master communicator, John Maxwell.
- Experiential learning through speeches, live feedback and critiques.
- Practical topics and assignments.
- Participation in World Speaking Competitions.
Three Part Sessions:
- Video Lesson using speeches by John Maxwell
- Impromptu speeches using practical topics with encouragement and critiques
- Recognition, takeaways and homework
We make it easy to learn!
- Start at any time.
- Learn and grow through active participation and real-time feedback.
- Receive modeling and teaching exercises.
- Connect with like-minded professionals.
Register Today
You’ll be glad you took the time to invest in your future.